NyARToolKit 2.0.0 リリースから約 1 ヶ月。よーやっとでけた。ほとんどおんなじ作業を 2 回やるというのはなかなかモチベーションがあがらないわけでw 結果的には 10% 程度のスピードアップ(ミーのマシンで 30fps → 33fps ぐらい)は実現できてるみたいです。まあ今回も Java → AS3 コンバートしただけなんだけど。やっぱなあ AS3 おせえなあ。Flash Player 10 専用になるけど Vector とか ShaderJob 使うとか、固定小数点で計算してる? NyARTooskitCS を移植するとかすればもっと速くなるかなあ。あんましやる気ないけど。
FLARToolKit 2.0 のソースコード は Spark Project のリポジトリからチェックアウトしてくださいな。
$ svn co http://www.libspark.org/svn/as3/FLARToolKit/trunk FLARToolKit
いちおう現時点でのスナップショットを zip で固めたやつ、ここ置いときますね。
英語での問い合わせが結構あったりするので、英語でも書いてみる。けど、自信ないので誰か Lang-8 で添削してください。。
追記(2008/12/5):フォーラムできました。FLARToolKit についてのいろいろはこちらで。
After a month NyARToolKit 2.0.0 released, I’ve done it! It’s difficult to get motivated to do same work… I just converted Java code to AS3, but FLARToolKit 2.0 speeds up 10% faster. (30fps to 33fps on my MacBook Pro.) I knew that AS3 is too slow… It might be more faster to use Vector class or ShaderJob class for Flash Player 10, or port NyARToolKitCS that uses fixed floating point calculation. but I’m not motivated to do that…
To get FLARToolKit 2.0 source code, checkout from Spark Project repository.
$ svn co http://www.libspark.org/svn/as3/FLARToolKit/trunk FLARToolKit
I uploaded snapshot of current released version of FLARToolKit here.
I got many inquiry from foreigner, so I wrote in Englis. but I have no confidence with my Engilsh. please correct at Lang-8.
Edit (2008/12/5): FLARToolKit forum is setup. Please use this forum to exchange infomation about FLARToolKit.
> A虎@ さん
2.1 の件、了解すー、すごいなー、まだ速くできるんだなあ。(撃ち殺したりしないですww)
Hi again,
Thanks once more for the library and congrats for the good job.
I was trying to use the is_continue and the transMatContinue and it is much smoother with it, but I think it has a bug where occasionally it rotates the scene for 90 degrees.
I cannot find where is the problem, but can u check if this is the case or not?
Hi psilos, thank you for your report.
I cannot understand all of algorithm of ARToolKit. (Just ported to AS3.) I’ll try to review the code, but I don’t know whether I can fix or not…
Hi Saqoosha,
thanks for the quick reply. My guess it that it would be really handy to have the continueMode, since otherwise it causes the 3DModel in the scene to flicker if you try to keep it still.
Hey Saqoosha,
I’ve been trying to check out your code now that I’ve had some time to play around with it.
I maybe missing quite a bit cause I can’t follow the comments but I was wondering what are the Pattern, and Camera files?
I have no clue what the camera file is (clearly some binary data). But by looking at the pattern file it looks like the pattern file is the pattern FLARToolkit is trying to find.
I was just looking at your example and you’re looking for a 16×16 pattern but in the pattern file there are 3 sets of 16×48. At first I thought you had the 3 colors in one pattern and that’s why its 48, but why then 3 patterns?
Amazing work Saqoosha!
I am trying de play around with it but I´m getting a strange error:
“1119: Access of possibly undefined property _projection through a reference with static type org.libspark.flartoolkit.pv3d:FLARCamera3D”
Any idea?
Hi Mikko,
Camera file has correction data for camera lens distortion.
It’s made by calib_camera2 program included in original ARToolKit.
I cannot understand the detail of correction data.
Pattern file is almost what you guess.
Pattern data is consists of 3 colors and 4 direction.
16 wide x 16 high x 3 colors x 4 direction.
got it?
Hi Pablo,
Limitations of current version of Papervision3D, You must modify line 528 of org.papervision3d.cameras.Camera3D to “protected var _projection : Matrix3D;”.
Thanks Sagoosha!
Thanks for the answer I’ll have to look at this program.
[…] ra parameter file is a binary file that is loaded in. I had no idea at first what this file was about, but I went on Saqoosha’s blog and asked him what this is all about and he sais it’s a file that comes from a program that comes with AR […]
Hey Saqoosha how are you?
First thanks for all the help and information! I’m trying to make an Augmented reality using the kit, but as i saw on the “ge smartgrid” I need to have 3 sets of animation, one for the oppening (when the pattern is detected), another animation to stay looping, and one animation to make the “closure” when the users takes out the paper from the camera….
I dont know if i have to make the model with all the animation, and use some code to read only the frames i need at a time….. please i really need your help.
Would you please tell me the easiest way to make AR, I have been using a commercial software but it expired now, see;
Please help, I am not a coder and know a little scripting and trying Qaurts too for AR,
Hey ho Saqoosha,
I got a small problem, and maybe you can help me with it.
Is there some way to create the pattern-files other than drawing them, printing them out and holding them in front of a camera ? Where planning to publish them on a regular basis with a higher number, which would make it a little annoying to create. Any idea?
Thanks in Advance,
Kind regards ,
HI Just wondering if you van help me I’m trying to set the camera on the browser but i get this error “Severity and Description Path Resource Location Creation Time Id
A file found in a source-path ‘flartdemo’ must have the same name as the class definition inside the file ‘FLARTdemo’. flartdemo/src flartdemo.as Unknown 1242568079672 94”
I hope you can help me I think I have my code well written but I still can not find any error…
Hi Saqoosha,
Thanks for the AR presentation. It is really helpful.
I have created something similar: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LcGKjwcCr7s
Now I am trying to embed a DAE file instead of a basic cube. Do you have any idea how to achieve that?
Hi Saqoosha, i’ve been playing around with the FLAR for soem time now and i managed to input my own collada . However the next step for me would be to get animation in the scene. I’ve tried soem of the Papervision and AScollada stuff but had no succes yet.
Do you have a classes package that deals with animation ?
I ditto Suhdir..
I am no coder. I am just a 3D guy testing this out.
If there is a surce that has collada model with bitmap texture on it,
i could easily replace the dae- and the jpg-files with my own.
Let me know if you find one. :)
That would be great..