FLARToolKit をライセンス違反して使ってるサイト↓
Tomás Pepsi, ahorrás. Tomás Pecsi, también.
Dear Pepsi Argentina,
We confirmed the following contents violate GPL.
ViolationLicenceList – NyARToolkit
We publish the notification sentence until this problem will be cleared.
FLARToolKit and the underlying NyARToolKit and ARToolKit libraries are copyrighted software, and all use of these products must be in compliance with the GPL terms. The terms clearly state that any use of the GPL in a software product such as FLARToolKit requires publication of the source code of Pepsico application. As Pepsico has not made source code available, Pepsico is in violation of the GPL license.
Please straighten out that problem.
[…] effet « whaou », l’intérêt reste limité. Si bien que les créations en la matière se multiplient jusqu’à ne plus arriver à suivre, et jusqu’à parfois oublier qu’il existe une licence commerciale. […]
I’m sorry for we can not read Spanish.
Would you write in English?
We want to tell ARtoolworks this comment.
it’s french actually!
Thank you.
any enws on this? we’re eager to know how this get solved…
no, it´s spanish. It´s from an awful pepsi campaign.
If you drink Pepsi, you save. If you drink Pecsi, you save too.