始まりました。いちおう毎週更新、全 4 回ってことになってます。書いてます。ガリガリ。とりあえず第 1 回はスタートアップガイドをなぞってるだけなので、すでにあれをやってみたって人にはあんまし必要ない感じですが、2 回以降はもうちょっと新しいこととか表に出してないこととか書いてみようかと思ってるので気になる人は見てみてくださいな。
追記(2009/3/18):第 2 回書きました。3D ソフトでモデリングしたデータを使う方法でござる。
追記(2009/3/27):第 3 回書きました。マーカーの位置や回転、向きなどを取り出す方法でござる。
I’m starting to write series of tutorial for FLARToolKit at gihyo.jp. (Sorry, gihyo.jp is in Japanese.) This series is consists of 4 articles, and updated every week. First week is almost same as start-up guide, so if you are already try start-up guide, there is nothing new. But next week, I’ll write about another, not published know-how.
Edit: Vol.2 “How to use external object file in FLAR.”
Edit: Vol.3 “How to get the position, rotation and orientation of the marker.”
He hi,
I am creative director working on innovative User Interface. I am quit impressed and working on you kits for quite a few day. I want to explore to the next level with innovation i want to talk to you
how can i make it to you
Hi saqoosha, thank u so much for this tutorials.
Even if is hard to understand the two in japanese, they are useful the same. I’m wondering when u’ll write down new tutorials for the other features!!!!!
thank u some much for this great work!!!
cheers from Italy!